Combining Modern and Magical Therapies for over 30 years, Lesley has transformed thousands of women to give themselves permission to be limitless and unlock endless possibilities.

Lesley Evans, RPN, CHt
Certified Soul Care Practitioner, Reiki Master

👑 Attention, amazing women! 👑
Are you ready to let go of what’s holding you back and step into your full potential?
The R.I.S.E. Revolution Summit is happening on October 24th, and it’s all about helping YOU reclaim your power and live without limits. 🌸
✨ We’ll be talking mindset, passion, healing, and worthiness with a lineup of incredible speakers who are ready to guide you on your journey!
Join us for a day of inspiration, breakthroughs, and evolution

Rise of The Phoenix exists to empower women to give themselves permission to be limitless because we believe that when women live full and passionate lives, they impact their families, their communities, and the World. We strive to be the leading program in living limitless lives where we have witnessed incredible shifts using our perfect blend of modern and magical methods.
Lesley Evans, CEO and Founder

About Me
Lesley is an International Speaker and International Best-Selling Author of “DeFUNK YourSELF”. She worked as a traditional therapist before she sought training in complimentary therapies and discovered she was highly intuitive. She has developed a perfect blend of modern and magical therapies to empower women to give themselves permission to be limitless and unlock endless possibilities.
Lesley has thirty years of experience as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse Therapist. She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Soul Care Practitioner and Reiki Master. She has spoken on prestigious stages including Stanford University and M.I.T. She brings new purpose and passion for raising awareness, gaining new perspectives and teaching others to Shine Their Light and believes, like The Rising Phoenix, that everyone can rise from the ashes of their old life and build themselves stronger to shine their light into the world.
Her mission is to empower Women to give themselves permission to be limitless. By building awareness and presence, women find their sense of passion, intuition, and unlock endless possibilities to manifest the life they truly desire.